Developed using over three decades of experience, K-10 is Allgon’s bulletproof, state of the art termite treatment system

Rock solid protection against termites

K-10 is Allgon’s very own chemical foam termite treatment, used to kill and prevent termites and other insects.

Developed by Allgon using decades of experience, K-10 is the most advanced termiticide injection system in the world. Non-invasive and easily installed, K-10 is the first system of its type, providing a complete treatment solution for termites and other insects.

K10’s specially formulated termiticide foam mixture is applied under pressure via an injection inside the treatment area. The pressurised distribution system enables the termiticide to penetrate every existing void in the soil, infiltrating and saturating the treatment area far more effectively than liquid treatments.

For more information on K-10 and to find out how you can rid your premises of termites, phone us on 07 3277 2607 or email [email protected].

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